Sunday, March 23, 2008

another amazing weekend

this weekend was amazeing i wen to Jess's thursday unless im mixing up my days then friday they picked me up to take me to the friday night servise at church then saturday asoon as i finished cutting down trees and all the stuff afterwords i called and asked if Jess wanted to spemd more time together so form 4:20 till 9:30 Jess was at my house it was fun we watched 1 movie and a half so i guess the other half is a rain check we also painted easter eggs i even wrote i love u on one to her haha shhhhhhhhhhhh (thats manny right?) cough cough sooooooooo how about them Giants haha.......... well after saturday wich was a fun night and probley beats the other ones by far (well at my house anyway)there was sunday were we went to the sun rise servise and Jess sat next to me then she came back to my house again along with everyone that went to the sunrise servise for a bite to eat till the 10:30 servise...... after that she went home and took the pastors daughter (she's on my side haha) i told her to pick the pink dress for Jess to wear so she did and Jess wore it and she look AMAZING Beautiful i love her so much its not even funny. I know everyone thinks its to good to be true but im the kind of person who likes to prove people wrong. Jess just called me to she's leaving Sandra's soon and Jess to answer your question im kinda excited about summer but its not gonna be fun going camping and not haveing u so im gonna try and not go as much unless i get a call from my bros there (not really bro's there my AQUA BROTHERS) and Dan still wants me to finish that song with him sometime durning the summer period but im gonna try really hard to stay for forth of July if ur here or not and mabey watch the fireworks with u if my grandparents dont have a problem with me staying at home alone that long i really do want to spend the summer with u really bad (im not wipped i just love her more then anything) ok ? well i better go and i got ur e-mail to ill reply to it tomorrow if thats ok well love u Jess ill write more later bye everyone who reads this ooooooo and Sandra and Michelle just wait till next time i see you haha i can joke arounf too i just didnt want to do it after just meeting u so be warned :-p (but i dont think i can get u as bad as i get Jess haha) bye


Friday, March 14, 2008

I Made It Back, Alive

Well I made it im still alive even after meeting Jess's family. I'll admit i kinda liked them lol there pritty cool haha but meeting them all at once was a shock. If they dont know by now im a bit shy but im happy i met them now, ive been looking forward to it for a long time. I met her famous sisters haha i have to admit i was a bit scared of meeing Michellefrom what i heard she was the one i had to watch out for but after meeting her i realized she's pritty cool and i even got a couple huggs from her haha. Sandra was pritty no huggs from her though :-( i could tell she had a sence of humor. Also learned Michelle and Sandra together is a deadly combo so stay clear of them or else they'll bust ur chopps haha. I got made fun of once or twice to but i desided not to make fun back just yet id rather them get to know me a little more (just to be on the safe side haha). So all in all it was a fun day and her Grandpa is so cool i love the Giants and u couldnt imageing how much i wanted his hat lol but i would have gotten beat up if i grabbed it. I should have told him about my Uncle Pete he was a quarter back in high school through colledge and could have played for the Jets or Giants but turned them down because he wanted to be with my Aunt Lori. Im sure that would have gotten me so brownie points haha but now that i think of it im glad my Uncle didnt play for them because then id never see him and i would have never learned how to play football and how to throw and be a really good wide reseaver Ok back to the meeting Jess's family thing lol. Ive met her Uncle Rich a couple times partly because my grandpa used to work with him. So after the party we went to his house and had alot of fun haha. You know i should have know Jess told them i played guitar because sean asked me within 5 min of me getting there if i wanted to play then Jess's Uncle Rich,Sean, and i played guitar for a while then it ended up with me and sean playing for the whole night lol until i left. I also learned that Jess isnt the only person in her family with a great voice they all sounded amazeing. I took a chance and desided to play them the song i wrote for Jess for Valentines Day and they seemed to like it and even after i made fun of my own voice they said i had a really good voice so i figure i cant sound that bad haha. Im really glad her family liked me i mean i knew they'd have to attempt to like me but i actually felt like they literaly drafted me into there family (im not complaining). I liked Sean he was cool and i liked all the songs he wrote to he's a cool guy. Id actually like to get to know Sandra and Michelle a little more i didnt really talk to them alot so....... Basicaly her family is exactly how i pictured it haha and thats a good thing because i pictured alot of people like her and they all were haha. OOHHH ya i met Jess's other boyfriend or Manfriend Clay haha we were going to fight in the parking lott for her but we called a truse and ate a cooky and made fun a Jess. I know this is bad but i love making fun of Jess haha its fun but she always knows im joking and gets me back so its all good. And back to the story so after the party and her Uncles house it was time for me to go home or so i thought. It ended up that ya no one was home at my house so we take a u turn like right after u go past Jess's road and go to her house and i just hung around there and it was alot of fun. Brandy missed me haha i sat on the couch and Brandy hopped on me haha im not complaining. I love Brandy id steal her if i could but Jeanne and Pop wouldnt let me have a pet :-(......... I know what ur thinking what kinda of Grandparent/parent wont ler their kid have a pet thats just not human going on Jess is coming over again chances are we might watch another movie this time it might be "The Day After Tomorrow" its a really good movie about the next ice age and stuff im sure you've prob seen it on FX if u watch that channle lol or watch TV period............ well i cant wait till she comes over but it feels like forever and she have to get the Puppy and probly go to one of her sisters houses for lunch so she might not be back till 3-4 mabey so if u read this Jess call me when u get back or ill call u sometime in the afternoon to see how the whole puppy thing is going. I cant wait to see him tomorrow when we pick you up lol he's gonna be so cute and i might have to steal him from u ;-p but im gonna head out the computers no fun without Jess on.... shes at a play at school that i should have gone to but my parents went out and i had to make dinner for my 21 year old brother & 18 year old brother remember im only 16 lol. But i really wish i could have gone but i better go so ill write again mabey later Bye All!!!!!!!!!!


PS. I Love You Jess and yes your family too............... see you tomorrow and good look getting the puppy ;-)

Friday, March 7, 2008


Tomorrow im going with Jess to meet her family and its gonna be a bit scary since its for the first time. I hope they like me and dont just take one look and say no he's not good enough get him outta my face....... so wish me luck with the whole meeting them all thing im not scared its more worried about what they think of me so im crossing my fingers and im just gonna be me so i hope they like me


Monday, March 3, 2008

Bored outta my mind

Grrrrrr nothing to do but sit her and act like im haveing fun just to makemyself believe im haveing fun confuceing right haha good because i confused myself to.......

Well Jess is at her lession right now so im talkin to a couple friends on IM and they want to go bowling on friday im gonna have to check about that one haha

Theres nothing really new well other then saturday night was AMAZEING i had alot of fun and im glad she did to the best part is she fits in so well to haha like at dinner my 21 year old brother Tim said something to herand she came back outta no were and shut him up it was great everyonestarted laughing even him so i think she's gonna fit in and i think my grandma likes the fact that there isnt just gonna be all guys all the time now haha my family loves her so its great

well im gonna go for now talk to u later
